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An Introduction to Relevant Chinese Laws for Conducting Business in China
The Registration of a Represetative Office in China
The Registration of a Consulting Company in China
The Registration of a Trading Company in China
The Registration of a Freight Forwarding Company in China


NOTICE: The material contained herein is in the nature of general comment and information ONLY and neither purports, nor is intended, to be advising on any particular matter. Readers should not act or rely upon any matter or information contained in or implied by the publication without taking appropriate professional advice.


Add: Room 602, Guangzhou Exchange Plaza, 268 Dongfeng Zhonglu, Guangzhou 510030, China
Tel: (+86) 153-6062-9106, (+86-20) 8317-9309 Fax: (+86-20) 8351-0150 Email: Michzou@21cn.com
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